Tuesday, April 18, 2017

The Hunt was on

This past Sunday was Easter. The day started with the stomping and running from upstairs that told us that the boys were up. I rolled over and looked at the clock. It wasn't even 7:00 am yet; it was only 6:00 am! As the boys came bounding down into our bedroom; both Travis and I made a deal with them that we would get up at 7:00 am and then they could do their Easter Egg hunt. Surprisingly the kids agreed and let us have an extra hour of sleep. As we lay there contemplating the day, thinking of all the things we had to get done before the guests arrived, all I could think about is how we only have a few years left with where the boys will continue to be so excited about Easter and the Easter Bunny.

Travis and I got up and low and behold the hunt was on. The boys ran through the house trying to find every egg that the "Easter Bunny" hid. In pure parental failure, I forgot to hide the extra eggs that we were just too lazy to fill and hide. I came up with a story on the fly and the boys bought it! Phew!! Saved!!

As brunch was cooking, Austin decided that since Auntie Becky and Uncle Nick were coming that he would hide the extra eggs that the Bunny forgot to take back home with him. Austin was soo excited to be able to hide the eggs. He even came up with an extra incentive for the hunters (as he called them) and said anyone who got the Gold egg would get $10 and whoever got the silver only would get $5.

Since Clay was not able to hide them (or should I say he didn't want to), he wanted to help Auntie Becky find them.

The hunt started. Austin was helping Uncle Nick and Clay with Auntie Becky. Austin helped "guide" Uncle Nick to the correct place and even found the golden and silver eggs. The whole thing was over before it started, or so it seemed. All eggs were accounted for and Austin went to get Uncle Nick's prize.

Before Austin went out to give Uncle Nick his reward, Travis reminded him that he found the eggs and there for the money should go to himself. Austin marched out to Uncle Nick, showed him the money and pocketed it. The look on Uncle Nick's face was priceless. He was outdone by a 7-year-old.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Finally BACK!!

It has been a long time since I posted or even thought about this blog. I will try and be better at keeping it up to date.

More to come!!